Pct without hcg

Pct without hcg

Pct without hcg. By administering hCG during PCT, you can directly stimulate the testes to produce testosterone, helping to counteract the suppression of natural hormone production that can occur after a SARMs cycle. Rostam So after you finish the hcg you still need to use a serm to pct and get things back or your testosterone levels will drop significantly after stopping the hcg. Did also not use hcg at any point. Human Gonadotropin can also be used as a fertility treatment for men and women. Generally speaking Nolva and Clomid essentially kick-start the HPTA into normal function, while HCG blocks it. A few times I added HCG for the last 2 weeks of my cycle and the first week off cycle. i. Years before I started TRT. I asked about Clomid but the doc (Not Saya, the other one) didn’t recommend it. View HCG. If recovery ever became a problem then rerun pct with hcg cause if you dig around on this first page you could probably find a source for it. The harmful effects of anabolic steroid abuse by healthy adults need no longer be emphasised. PCT helps What is Post-Cycle Therapy? Post-cycle therapy is a specific protocol that bodybuilders and other athletes use after they stop using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. The FDA has approved HCG for medical use in males for limited conditions. Some potential side effects include: Mood swings; Gynecomastia; Headaches; It’s essential to consider these factors before deciding if using HCG is right for you. When an individual undergoes a steroid cycle or SARM cycle, it often suppresses their natural testosterone production. Welcome to EF Android! You should be fine drinking tea during PCT, in fact, it will probably help keep your energy up after coming off a steroid cycle. You’re young to risk permanent shut down, but again I don’t judge. The aim of this cycle is to get a lot of lean muscle mass with the help of LGD 4033 and without doing a PCT after. My ballz went from ~10ml hCG is a hormone that mimics luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. By using only HCG, your body may produce its own testosterone in higher levels than it A post cycle therapy (PCT) is a treatment protocol used to restore the body's natural balance after a cycle of steroid use. There was a recent study that showed trt kept shutting down the pathway hcg activates while on Where some guys take two rounds of pct without HCG. I'll be taking 400mg a week. All was fine. Many believe that Nolvadex is simply a better, more effective, and more powerful SERM than Clomid. The first days after I stopped my T injections were the hardest, which was most likely just mental. r/Testosterone I recommend the following PCT protocol for esters like Cypionate and Enanthate; While the aas ester is clearing : 2500iu HCG every third day for 2 weeks. Whichever purpose you are using HCG for – on cycle or for PCT – the dosage and administration of this hormone is very sparse and controlled and unlike that of any other compound you will be using whether that be steroids themselves or drugs like "This means that at the beginning of pregnancy, your hCG number (measured in mIU/ml or IU/l ) might be 2. Incorporating HCG into PCT protocols can prevent adverse effects associated with suppressed natural hormone levels, such as hypogonadism and depression symptoms. Patients and methods: A total of 282 men with hypogonadism, wishing to preserve their fertility, were randomized to one of three Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that primarily functions to maintain pregnancy. It is then stopped when SERM/AI administration begins. There are MD recommended protocols similar to this one in the WIKI. I guaranfckinteeyou you will feel relief immediately, in a few days at most. Originally Posted by Stosh_112. Save your time and money and run test and Anavar (40mg-50mg) and do a proper pct after the cycle. PCT can help restore your H in luteal-phase stimulation in the presence of endogenous or exogenous low-dose hCG. The apt dose would be 500-1000 iu 2-3x a week. hCG interacts with the luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) of the ovary and, through this process, stimulates the corpus luteum — the remains of an ovarian follicle that has already released an ovum. Stopped trt several In addition, the reception SERM during the cycle will make a full PCT is not mandatory, since your natural testosterone levels have to be upgraded by the end of the cycle. i was wondering if anyone would suggest me a AAS compound with testosterone base for my 3rd cycle and i am also looking forward to a PCT protocol without hcg. My question is this: If testicular atrophy and loss of sperm production isn't an issue (and it isn't for me since I'm way past the age of having more kids and I've gotten used to seeing small stones in the sacks Will HCG suppress my HPTA? Been off testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) a year and Total T has not improved. As hCG has been shown to increase aromatase within the testes, aromatase inhibitors are often used in conjunction. It’s typically used in conjunction with SERMs for a comprehensive PCT approach. When it’s PCT = post cycle therapy. 1 Like. You’ll figure it Post-cycle treatment (PCT) is often overlooked as just another nuisance, but it is a very important aspect of a steroid cycle. 5 *E2 28. You should start PCT as soon as you stop taking selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and prohormones. So if you are using hCG in your PCT, it certainly can raise your T levels, but I do then see bloodwork from guys who have come off hCG and wonder why their Test levels crashed so hard - because the artificial 'support' that hCG is giving you is suddenly ripped away, and your body isn't creating as much LH naturally, so the stimulus just isn't If the β-hCG level does decrease by at least 15% between days 4 and 7, the patient should return for weekly β-hCG measurements until levels become undetectable, which can take up to eight weeks. Diagnoses: Patients were diagnosed with infertility. I know i suffered signifncant pain in my testes/groin without hcg. T. The usage dosage varies from person to person and depends largely on individual goals and physical conditions. NOLVADEX (tamoxifen citrate) is indicated to reduce the incidence of breast cancer in women at high risk for breast cancer. Nov 1, 2021 #1 ~ Last edited: Jan 9, 2022. Nonetheless, a live singleton birth can still I have 2 weeks left of my 500mg test E 16 week cycle. Firstly, a decrease in LH (Luteinizing hormone), FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone), and natural testosterone. Also, it’s important to discontinue the hCG before you start PCT so your leydig cells are given a chance to re-sensitize to your body’s own LH production. The third case had 7 HCG monotherapy is the use of HCG alone in an attempt to increase natural testosterone levels without using exogenous testosterone (from outside the body). I actually bounced back better than my pre cycle test levels after last PCT without HCG and only Nolva for PCT. I took 270 mg of Sustanon for 4 weeks 2. Outcomes: The first two cases had inadvertent COH during preexisting pregnancy, and one of which produced more high-quality embryos (5 vs 1) in the presence of low hCG. That is why I said, either all the 20,000iu during the PCT, or using during the cycle and what is left over from the 20,000iu of HCG. Even normal usage may result in PCC (post cycle crash). There's plenty of individual variation, so you could well not feel great Or just use the hCG by itself then use clomid and taper off. hCG is a hormone comprising of an α and a β-subunit. If you are just using it for the first two weeks before you begin PCT. So can you clear that for me please. Test works great as a test base. Stay on the HCG for 3 weeks following your last Test dosage. This is considered a conservative approach to maintain testicular function without excessively increasing testosterone and estrogen levels, which could counteract the benefits of HCG. Any reason to go for FSH ExcelMale. Without implantation in the uterus, hCG cannot be present in the mother’s bloodstream. If a Anabolic steroids are often used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their performance. You can use it throughout your cycle, which is the best way to use it. Of course, the results depend on We're you taking HCG during what is effectively a year long cycle? Your leydig cells are likely extremely suppressed (some degree of which could be irreversible). At BuyDeus we have all the common PCT (Post cycle therapy) products used for SARMs PCT. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone for the maternal recognition of pregnancy produced by trophoblast cells that are surrounding a growing embryo (syncytiotrophoblast initially), which eventually forms the placenta after implantation. For steroid cycles, HCG really should only be used in PCT if a mistake has been made which needs a correction. However, it’s not one-size-fits-all. Many guys have quit TRT cold turkey without suffering too much before their natural testosterone production resumes. On top of that, a lot of websites sell fake PCT products. (HCG) in order to kickstart the natural testosterone production process. Running a PCT Cycle is simply a regimen that make sure that the hard work you put on during your steroid cycle look man if it is that bad hop on some hcg, start blasting like 500 iu eod for few weeks. no one product alone is effective PCT. Joined Sep 4, 2023 Messages 98. Warning: Only for advanced steroid users. It’s an appropriate hcg for pct dosage, specifically this hcg dosage for pct. And you don’t get the sides that can come from clomid and nolva. Our PCT comes in tablet form and can be dosage split by using a pill cutter or a sharp knife to smaller dosages Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Stop the HCG 1 week before PCT. e. FSH and LH are at bottom of range but "normal" If I do 2000 i. Am I too late to start introducing HCG? should I finish the cycle then PCT (of course without HCG during PCT), or if I want to BnC, at which point should I start introducing HCG? Reactions: SILVERBACK LABS. Without PCT, your homeostasis will be ****ed up and will (probably) include gyno, ****ed up mood, testicular atrophy. HCG doesn’t really work while on test. I'd suggest doing a very solid PCT- Drop T dosage down, slowly over a period of say ~6 weeks, whilst using 2K IU HCG per week. I was in the exact same boat. You’ll likely have to use more than the typical 250iu 2x/wk dose people here use. Generally speaking I'm going to be starting an 8 week cycle of Test Cyp. Considerations and Risks of Using HCG as PCT. 3% nonviable, and 33. ( 750mg/ week test only) This was back in college when I was 24. so many people tout the importance of SERMs yet I see no real studies showing their Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone for the maternal recognition of pregnancy produced by trophoblast cells that are surrounding a growing embryo (syncytiotrophoblast initially), which eventually forms the placenta after implantation. Its more effective for achieving fuller erections, and provides higher aganine levels via breaking down or some shit. bringing about a leaner and tighter physique without the associated risks of Various PCT regimes have been reported but typically involve the use of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in combination with selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM) and/or aromatase inhibitors (AI) [18, 19, 21, 22]. HCG has been used for post steroid cycle PCT for bodybuilders and other users for decades. Questions on this topic are usually the hardest for me to answer because PCT all depends on 3 factors: Age and genetics. Now, I’m on HCG but he’s waiting to see if I will need an AI. It cаn be taken with or without food, but should be swallowed whole with а full glass of water. 5-2 months after stopping a 2year trt cold turkey, lh was recovered and testosterone level slightly higher than before i started trt. A typical HCG protocol is 500-1000 IU every other day for 2-3 weeks pre-PCT. ) 100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3) It is still possible to have twins even if your hCG levels are within the “normal” range for a single pregnancy. Recovery from Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonaism (ASIH). HCG may contribute to your morning sickness, too. This effect was shown in a study of 5 years planned duration with a median follow-up of 4. feel free to share any PCT experience that However he concluded that HCG shouldn't be used for PCT which I disagree with, if you have anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism indicated by severe testicular atrophy, Test Levels after stopping decrease to 50-100% of baseline, which is a much smaller drop than when stopping androgens without hcg. But for a first and "light" cycle, I read that Nolva without HCG can be enough. Thread starter Kronic; Start date Nov 1, 2021; Kronic Well-known member. I am much younger however. More effectively if you want a kid is to get off test for 3 months take hcg and clomid for 4-6 weeks and try then. I've also been reading the posts of people here about the great importance - even the necessity - of hcg when on TRT. U x2 per week from week 1 till the end of you cycle to keep your natural test production going and prevent testicular atrophy. 3. Eventual full recovery (and then some) of LH/FSH from baseline readings. hCG and LH share an identical α-subunit. I've read that for the first cycle you should take Test Cyp or Test E. Clomid PCT (post cycle therapy) is a common practice among bodybuilders and athletes who use anabolic steroids or selective androgen receptor modulators (). Prior to recently jumping back on test C, I was on Clomiphene 25 mg ED with 500 IU hCG pinned subQ twice a week. Sure, your natural test won't rise as fast as with HCG supplementation, but using HCG keeps the HPTA shut down longer, where Nolva and Clomid bring it back up gradually, but quicker without HCG or the estrogen rebound HCG causes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A thyroid panel would not hurt either. hCG can help the body increase its production of testosterone and sperm, which HCG is less likely to be as effective as a fertility aid if the patient has low testosterone as a result of a primary hypogonadism (an issue with the testes). This will be enough HCG to produce the desired outcome and should not be exceeded if future natural testosterone production is to be protected. Whichever purpose you are using HCG for – on cycle or for PCT – the dosage and administration of this hormone is very sparse and controlled and unlike that of any other compound you will be using whether that be steroids themselves or drugs like Clomid may be a better option for men who are on testosterone replacement therapy but want to increase fertility without quitting low testosterone treatment altogether. I stopped T completely, bumped the HCG up to 3x 500iu for 2 weeks. i'm on Test E e4d @ 10 weeks, 8 and a half weeks in. Triptorelin is meant to be the one stop peptide that recovers your system without HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex or any other drug. *15mg ED Test *150iu EoD HCG *TT 594 *FT 22. PCT aims to restore the body’s natural hormonal balance and minimize the potential side effects resulting from suppressed testosterone levels, such as reduced libido and muscle loss. HCG without shutdown. 26. Therefore, our results suggest that patients with IHH will have a good response to hCG therapy in terms of testicular growth, improvement in serum testosterone, and increased penile growth, even patients with severe forms of hypogonadotropic Once I came off PCT was relatively easy and not a problem. These treatments are designed to help your body recover from the adverse The hCG treatment increased serum concentrations of testosterone, testicular volume, and penile length. It aids your body in returning to normal without you losing the gains all together. The whole reason for taking HCG is without it my testicles hurt. The reason exogenous testosterone But remember: HCG isn’t without its risks too. I totally agree with the point that 250mg is going to shut too same as 500 or morethanks for the reply. Once it is time for PCT then you should NOT use HCG because you are using Triptorelin for your PCT. Also, I wouldn't use HCG in PCT - only if you need a blast before PCT starts to bring shrunken testicles back to size. What is a PCT? A Post Cycle Treatment is a protocol you follow after your cycle of steroids or SARMs to deal with the two main consequences. so many people tout the importance of SERMs yet I see no real studies showing their Hello guys, Happy New Year Im a bit confused by the use of HCG despite I have read various threads on that topic. HMG is typically used to treat infertility . HCG levels rise exponentially in the first few weeks of pregnancy, typically doubling every Dosage Instructions. Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) commonly used in post-cycle therapy (PCT) for bodybuilders. Menu. Based on your account that LH and FSH are “higher than normal” with normal testosterone may indicate some level of testicular dysfunction. 5 mg ADEX each day for 4 weeks will it jump start my balls or suppress me? I would continue with you cannot do effective PCT without Clomid (unless you're using HCG); you then have a choice of adding arimidex or nolvadex. 1,000iu HCG etd. nolvadex has been shown in studies to be neurotoxic and clomid comes with its own wealth of nasty side effects. For my PCT I know the "basic" is HCG + Nolva and/or Clomid. 5% of pregancies will be viable , 66. Then go with enclo/clomid for a month. hCG differs from LH in that its β-subunit has a highly glycosylated 24 amino acid tail. As far as i remember 10-15 years ago looking into cycles people would not do, neither recommend anyone doing a PCT without HCG &/or hmg which i recall only way of using is pinning? (along with clomid and tamox, obviously), it was one of the reasons i never got into oral AAS. Honestly the whole subject unfortunately, without a baseline test it's really hard to troubleshoot suppression. tombsc Im going to run a 6 week hDrol cycle and considering my PCT options. and then running a 2nd PCT with hcg things are However, for patients between 30-50 years old and even their late 20s who want to restore and improve low rates of natural testosterone production while staying fertile, it would be wise to consider low doses of hCG monotherapy (i. Tried for a year. The first recognition of hCG as a gonadotropin was observed when human placental tissue was transplanted in rabbits and induced ovulation (7-9). You should be able to keep your boys working. Basically, long term use of hcg at doses of 1000 i. ) Mild Cycle. u. Without hcg you suffer a shutdown. 2500iu -7500iu’s per week via subcutaneous abdominal injection with a typical cycle length of 4-6 Weeks. This time around I am going to run HCG 1,000 IU’s every other day for 8 days then, 500 IU’s every other day for another 8 days. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that primarily functions to maintain pregnancy. 3333 Views 25 Replies 9 Participants Last post by hackskii, Dec 3, 2012. The final HCG dosing plan will surround PCT use and there are two suitable protocols. I'm only getting the test because I I went from 400 to 800 after running a steroid cycle- without HCG. 250mg of Test Cyp a week might not even need an HCG dose at all, if you went the kitchen sink approach, you get the idea. Buy hCG for PCT: Without question the best time to buy hCG is for your PCT needs; in-fact, a course of hCG during this phase can transform a PCT plan from average to nothing short of fantastic. 1. Crushing or breaking the tablets is not recommended. Additionally, lack of sleep can increase stress levels and exacerbate mood swings, which are common HCG monotherapy is the use of HCG alone in an attempt to increase natural testosterone levels without using exogenous testosterone (from outside the body). While on Kisspeptin I felt no onset of pain. Read more » Source For Legit Pharma Grade PCT, AI,HCG etc. Very simple, very basic, I'm going to run around 400-500 mg Test E per week for about 12 weeks, with arimidex if needed. By the second week of using it I noticed my testicles were getting bigger. However, most of HCG has been used for post steroid cycle PCT for bodybuilders and other users for decades. HCG is often the first indicator of pregnancy – it's what causes a positive result on a home pregnancy test. Nolvadex. MON, WED, FRI with 1. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. e fatigue(?), mood swings(?). Despite the science and extremely positive outcomes we have had from using HCG alongside TRT The main advantage of taking HCG for PCT is that it promotes testosterone production. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is an essential process undertaken after completing a cycle of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) or anabolic steroids. Thanks to this stimulation, the corpus luteum This is considered a conservative approach to maintain testicular function without excessively increasing testosterone and estrogen levels, which could counteract the benefits of HCG. Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular check-ups and blood tests are essential during the tapering process to monitor hormone levels and overall health. hCG should instead be used in combination with a SERM, or prior to PCT. Some cancerous tumors My urologist discussed HCg in case of testicular atrophy but he didn’t want to start my protocol right away including HCG. Body builders who dont respond to the classic PCT schemes of low dose hcg and I would look into an Hcg only pct. By using only HCG, your body may produce its own testosterone in higher levels than it Nolvadex Pct. What is your opinion on it ? Post Cycle Treatment (PCT) is an essential part of any testosterone replacement therapy. (Clomid) and tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex), as well as other medications such as human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and aromatase inhibitors. Dianabol/Anadrol Cycle. Several peptides, which mimic the function of GnRH or regulate its I will use some HCG at 1250 mg/wk for a 4 wk block during my real cycle, usually mid way through, then another 1250mg/wk for 4 wks post cycle as I go back to HRT, which for me right now is 185 mg of test enanthate every 7-10 days, but I'm also using 300mg/wk of primo. You will most likely In an attempt to mitigate these symptoms and expedite testicular recovery, many men self-administer post-cycle-therapy (PCT), typically involving human chorionic I just want to remind everyone that you NEVER use HCG during PCT. hCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Without PCT, you would be on a very slow uphill battle to wait for your T levels to get back to normal if they ever do. i know there will be loss of gains, depending on what you use. From the basics of PCT to its benefits and research, our guide covers it all. It’s used at the tail end of a cycle to prime the body for PCT. The idea is by preventing testicular Bodybuilders used test for a long time without hcg and recovered fine. I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2024 Studies report that taking 3,000U of hCG every other day with or without other medication can significantly speed up the recovery of normal testicular function and sperm production following Therefore, PCT therapy using hCG or hCG alternatives can help speed up the process. It is important to take Tamoxifen Nolvadex consistently and at the same time each day to ensure maximum effectiveness. Or just use the hCG by itself then use clomid and taper off. Some people do not consider HCG part of PCT and I can say it didn't make a difference for me in how I felt. In my opinion Hcg is the best way to jump start your testes and fertility. trt reznor Active Member Today's Posts; FAQ; Calendar; Member List; Forum; Steroid & Chemical forums; Ai's and PCT; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. based on your question regarding options, HCG might work, clomid or Enclomiphene might not, as your problem Not running a pct is only acceptable with test imo if you run something like nandrolone or tren without a pct and you have a relatively bad genetic recovery potential you are going to fuck your endogenous test for like a fucking year, tbh running a pct besides the cost obviously is neither hard nor carries with it many side effects except vision with nolva which is obviously a no go . Ligandrol and MK 677 will make you gain a lot of muscle mass, without gaining much (if any) fat. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. hCG is used to mimic the mechanism of LH in the If their testosterone is low but they feel fine, a PCT may not be needed. Length of cycle and your That is why a post cycle therapy or PCT is used. My total test was around 650 peak with this combo I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother. PHunter. However, most of It goes without saying that HCG is a friend for all juicers, and IMO it is the most vital CT and/or PCT compound of all due to its relation to maintaining regular testicular functions, which is obviously where natural test is produced. 09-16-2020, 04:03 AM #3. Second, I thought HCG shuts down the HPTA since it is a LH mimic, thus not being a good idea for a PCT. Went back on after a few months and then came off to get her pregnant again. By using only HCG, your body may produce its own testosterone in higher levels than it Objectives: To compare serum testosterone response and symptom improvement in men with hypogonadism in response to treatment with clomiphene citrate (CC), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or a combination of both therapies. Enclomiphene is better than hcg as pct PCT. No PCT = no cycle. I apologize if caused any misunderstanding and hassle. Injectable HCG typically ships in powder form (lyophilized) and needs to be reconstituted before use. Reactions: trt reznor. Where some guys take two rounds of pct without HCG. Should I use HCG 2 to 3 weeks ON my current cycle before I start the PCT or should I stop all PEDs, start HCG for 2 to 3 weeks and then start The reason I suggest is that, while I have managed to maintain my weight fairly well throughout the breaks from each of my hCG rounds etc, I never realized that it was actually a bit of a struggle until I took dairy out and my weight #S23 #TestBase #DrTonyHugeFOLLOW US IN IG: www. Apr 28, 2024 #2 -you don't run pct, only if you ran hcg on cycle 500 I. If you run HCG along with the cycle up to a week b4 pct it may even your odds of having a quicker recovery than regular PCT. Without PCT, users may face prolonged A: Ideally, HCG should not be used at all in PCT. HCG is dosed in IU’s, and dosage depends on how hard your cycle will have to suppress your natural testosterone. Get tested for FSH, LH, E2, TT, FT and SHBG. At an hCG level of more than 3000 mIU per milliliter, 0. Without proper medical supervision, you may unknowingly take Nolvadex with other medications that could lead to dangerous drug interactions. Came off, took a home fertility test which came back negative, did pct, took another home fertility test which came back positive, got her pregnant that month. This is how much hcg on cycle you should consider. These help kickstart natural testosterone production. Introduction To Post Cycle Therapy. When undertaking trt, you should aim for a hormonal balance. The concept of PCT did not exist prior to the late 1980s and early 1990s, as the understanding of the mechanisms by which anabolic steroids affected the body were not completely understood during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Long term usage without medical supervision can also disrupt natural hormone production and Moderately suppressive SARMs that can be run without a testosterone base but using one is recommended: Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Testolone (RAD-140) This test base protocol will require you to do a mild PCT with a SERM because HCG will suppress your LH levels. hCG directly stimulates testicular testosterone production within Leydig cells, while SERMs and AIs indirectly stimulate Typically, a pct hcg dosage of 500-1000 IU three times a week is recommended. Nuts did not atrophy once on cycle. sandychauhans August 27, 2019, 6:18pm 6. However, some researchers have begun investigating whether hCG could help raise low testosterone Today's Posts; FAQ; Calendar; Member List; Forum; Steroid & Chemical forums; Ai's and PCT; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. as for avoiding HCG while in PCT - he isnt in PCT anymore. But remember: HCG isn’t without its risks too. Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): After the completion of a steroid cycle, HCG is used to stimulate natural testosterone production more aggressively. However, there is still strong evidence in favor of the idea that hCG levels are typically higher in twin pregnancies. After filing, there is a 30- or 31-month time limit for entering the national phase in individual countries, depending on HCG is often used between pct and your last shot of injectables (waiting for esters to clear). The recommended dosage is 1500iu three times per week over a 3-week cycle. Increasing testosterone levels can aid in promoting muscle growth and recovery because testosterone is the hormone that causes muscular growth. thanks If you’ve been lifting a lot, you’ve probably thought about using anabolic steroid at one point. I would get upset and sad over the most stupid I would look into an Hcg only pct. SwissChems. you should be able to recover just fine with HCG + an AI. The longer-term effects are not known. Without such a PCT plan, it could easily take a year or more for your natural levels to recover, and this is not only stressful to the body, it can lead to numerous low testosterone symptoms; not to mention it is extremely unhealthy. Some use on cycle. The third case had 7 A comprehensive guide to running a Nolvadex PCT (Tamoxifen Citrate) cycle, including likely results, cycle info, and effective doses. Dianabol and Anadrol are two of the most powerful steroids you can take to gain mass. Similarly, Habous et al. My question: If you use low dose HCG during a typical 8-10 week steroid cycle to protect testes sensitivity and then go PCT to allow your body to produce T again, how many weeks do you allow for the PCT. Use it to increase your chances to get back on track successfully and to boost the speed of the Without PCT, you’ll be waiting weeks or months for normal T function to restore, and that means low testosterone symptoms AND losing most of your hard-earned gains. Just run 250 IU EOD. However, if testosterone levels have crashed and the person is not feeling well, a PCT should be considered. I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2024 The PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) allows applicants to file international patent applications within 12 months of their initial filing. If testosterone rebounded good, if not, TRT. You can use it for the 6-weeks that lead to the PCT. You can run a PCT without HCG, but it'll take longer time to recover. Idk. PCT should be Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50 The doses you run make no difference when it comes to shutdown and recovery. The reason exogenous testosterone HCG and Enclomiphene. Arguably, hcg facilitates that balance. Anyone know if their nolavdex is legit looking for a pct without the need of a prescription Archived post. your natural state could be high-normal and if you're testing at low-normal, there's nothing a doc will do. don't come here and talk your shit without actually reading through all of the PCT protocol recommendations. Tapering the dosages minimizes side effects from sudden hormonal changes. Reply. (If you're planning to PCT at some point, it might be an idea to gradually swap out the clomiphene for tamoxifen towards the end of the cycle, due to clomiphene's long-acting but J, I used it for my Superdrol/Epistane cycle 7 weeker. instagram. However I don't have any pct because I simply don't know where to get clomid or nolva. just so i know what i'm about to go up against, what exactly happens during (proper) pct (without hcg). hCG, Clomid & Others for Fertility, PCT or Low T Ya i think 500iu HCG and 50iu FSH should be fine i guess with or without TRT if your not in a hurry. Headed into PCT without it and my nuts atrophied maybe 20% for about 2-3 days than back to normal. Defy is helping me PCT, and just wants me doing HCG only for 3 weeks. HCG and Clomid. Nolvadex is a widely used SERM and a very effective PCT compound. just hCG alone without using supplemental testosterone). . com/whiteboyfromtheyardWhassup everybody! Today whiteboyfromtheyard is back with another EnhancedQue I already take about 500iu of HCG per week (split into two, any more aromatizes). studied a cohort of 282 men with hypogonadism, separating them into 3 arms - CC alone, hCG alone and a combination of hCG and CC. Once you stop taking steroids, it's important to follow a post-cycle therapy (PCT) plan to help your body recover. Awards 5. Check out the list here. Some cancerous tumors During PCT, your hormone levels are in a state of flux, and you may experience fatigue, mood swings and other symptoms. Let’s compare Aromasin to a SERM and two other AIs: Aromasin vs. Hypogonadism, infertility, and delayed puberty are some conditions in First of all, the best possible addition to HCG in a PCT protocol is Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate), as studies have demonstrated that HCG and Nolvadex utilized together have exhibited a remarkable synergistic effect in Instead, HCG is a perfect compound to prepare for post-cycle therapy. The latest generation of hCG tests can detect increased hCG levels with only a 1-day menstrual delay. 2% ectopic [2]. HCG is to be run at low doses during your cycle to keep your tests primed for PCT, OR it can be run at higher doses HCG in a bodybuilding context is a common practice, often seen in TRT stacks and Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). HCG PCT Dosage. Does HCG still signal your balls to produce test even on a cycle? The aim? To help your body recover its natural hormone levels. Clomid works to increase sperm production and testosterone levels in your body, and will not cause a decrease in testicular volume. The hormones LH and FSH, which are important for the production of testosterone, are likewise elevated by HCG. It was PCT without hCG and no SERM. US, UK & EU Vendors: Use “POP10” and “POP20” for a discount. Pros. [1] [2] The presence of hCG is detected in some pregnancy tests (HCG pregnancy strip tests). It is still possible to have a kid while on TRT however taking hcg while on is really a waste. i agree about no HCG during PCT nolvadex has been shown in studies to be neurotoxic and clomid comes with its own wealth of nasty side effects. This is different from PCT and must be considered a restart therapy. Twenty-five percent of the participants received drug for 5 years. The Brutal Force PCT Stack is a natural and safe Components of a well-designed PCT for SARMs may include SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators), HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), and organ support products to protect the liver and other organs. With hcg you maintain most of your natural production. Posts 47. Use between 1500 - 2500 iu's 3x per week, for 3-6 weeks depending on response, managing Just do HCG as long as your levels will be in the higher end. It’s the drug that is A few things (someone please confirm both because I'm not 100%) - I believe the quality of the HCG begins to decrease after a month or so. Its not even pct without Hcg ED would work as well or better? I don't recall reading about anyone trying this, but it could save you 50-75% of your HCG costs. Chances are, you will recover with or without a pct but blast and cruise will have you shut down The PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) allows applicants to file international patent applications within 12 months of their initial filing. I did the same cycle about a year and a half ago without a proper PCT and I lost almost all my gains and was depressed/suppressed for months. I was unable to get my wife pregnant while on test even after adding HCG. To inject hCG correctly, pinch the skin for a cutaneous injection or stretch it for an intramuscular one. By the end of the cycle they were the biggest my nuts have ever been. If HCG was used on cycle, then use same effective dose again up to 1 week maximum into PCT, and STRICTLY managing estrogen. bringing about a leaner and tighter physique without the associated risks of I tapered my dose down by about 20% over the last 8 weeks of 2023 while introducing HCG 250iu 3x a week. Don't be cheap. HCG is a common support medication in Testosterone therapy. % higher then normal and this is starting with normal levels of estrogen which I have shown is what we start with even without using HCG during the cycle (big point to remember So, during clearance times I continue to run the HCG and an AI, and then once the PCT starts I drop the AI, swap for clomid and nolva and then continue for up to about another week with the HCG. 5ml injections and came off of it without pct and have been off for a month and see no side effects Reply reply More posts you may like r/Testosterone. Patients and methods: A total of 282 men with hypogonadism, wishing to preserve their fertility, were randomized to one of three The estrogenic rise from low dosage HCG is much lower than that of a 500mg EW test dosage. Interestingly enough, I was (and still am) using an otc butein AI to prevent skin issues, and just happened to run out for 10 days in the middle of PCT (was expecting a H in luteal-phase stimulation in the presence of endogenous or exogenous low-dose hCG. If running before PCT, run 250iu per day for 2 weeks after your last pin as you’re waiting for your test levels to HCG Therapy can result in a continuing higher level of natural testosterone production by the testes after HCG Therapy is completed when the underlying cause of the low LH secretion and resulting low testosterone production (1) is due to the prior use of one or more anabolic steroids by the patient or (2) due to the administration of In men, doctors prescribe hCG to help address the symptoms of hypogonadism, such as low testosterone and infertility. Some of the most popular History and Overview. This allows testosterone levels to normalize without losing gains. In men, anabolic steroid administration produces a predictable, dose-dependent depression of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) via the negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA/HPTA). He kept an eye on my estradiol levels. Adverse Health Effects: Prolonged steroid use without proper PCT can lead to hypogonadism, depression, and other negative effects. Tamoxifen Nolvadеx is typically taken orally, usually once or twice daily. Post cycle therapy (PCT) is perhaps the most important aspect of anabolic steroid use. Both cases had a live birth. 94 patients from this study received hCG monotherapy with 5000 IU hCG twice weekly and experienced statistically significant increases in T levels at 1 and 3 months . Whichever purpose you are using HCG for – on cycle or for PCT – the dosage and administration of this hormone is very sparse and controlled and unlike that of any other compound you will be using whether that be steroids themselves or drugs like Dosage Instructions. HCG is often used in preference to Clomid or Nolvadex following a heavy, prolonged steroid cycle. How many cycles have you done in the past? Also when you say 20’s, how old are What is a PCT? A Post Cycle Treatment is a protocol you follow after your cycle of steroids or SARMs to deal with the two main consequences. I started HCG around week 4 I think. I’ve never run HCG and never had any issues. Bigger than ever actually. It won’t suppress you a lot and you will easily recover naturally in a few weeks after the cycle. It'll then move to 4, 8, and 16, and then it really picks up speed, moving into the 25,000 HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Guide + Where To Buy HCG This Article Will Summarise What HCG is, What It is Used For, And Where to Buy Real HCG online without getting scammed. Running hcg and Anavar is not going to yield the same results as test and Anavar especially at such a low dose of Anavar. But how is HCG used and is it safe? Hello guys, I posted my question on my cycle log (here : Roberto - 30 yo Virgin going in ! ) But to sum up : I'm looking to start my first cycle. Adequate sleep can help support your body’s natural hormone production, as well as enhance muscle recovery and repair. One study in particular found higher than average hCG and estradiol (E2) levels in women carrying twins. New Member Join Date Jan 2020 Location South Australia. However, to minimize the risk of false negatives, we recommend waiting at least a week after the missed period to take the test. PCT typically involves medications such as Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG. Push the needle in gently and slowly release the plunger, waiting at least 10 seconds A comprehensive guide to running a Nolvadex PCT (Tamoxifen Citrate) cycle, including likely results, cycle info, and effective doses. So, I would do my best to get my hands on some HCG before the cycle is over. Dosages in a PCT (2) It is important that low-dose hCG is started before testicular sensitivity is reduced, which appears to rapidly manifest within the first 2-3 weeks of steroid use. These are companies that I’ve tested myself and I’m 100% confident in. While HCG can be beneficial, it is not without its risks: Hormonal Imbalance: Excessive use of HCG can lead to elevated levels of estrogen, causing side effects such as gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men). (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i. HCG: 2000 IU administered every other day for 20 days; and Clomid: 2 x 50 mg for 30 days (PCT). For about two months I felt shitty and was overly emotional (during and after PCT with our without HCG). In the grand scheme of things on cycle hCG use is simply does not take first place in-terms of the best time to steroid. Chances are, you will recover with or without a pct but blast and cruise will have you shut down Brand name: Vitagon by Alpha Pharma Active Substance: HCG Package: 3 vials of 5000 IU dry powder + 3 ampoules of 1 ml solvent Delivery: USA and worldwide Flat Rate shipping We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The most important thing that I keep in mind when updating the list of top PCT companies is quality. It is based on the combined/stepped use of HCG, Nolvadex, and Clomid. A comprehensive guide to running a Nolvadex PCT (Tamoxifen Citrate) cycle, including likely results, cycle info, and effective doses. This can lead to a significant loss of muscle mass and hormonal imbalances after HCG is not essential to a PCT, but if you want the Best PCT protocol, you need HCG – especially if you plan on getting someone pregnant one day. Adding my 2 cents from my personal use with the stack - get l citruline rather than arganine. During this phase, introduce hormone analogs like human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which mimics LH and stimulates the testes directly, aiding the natural testosterone production process. i can only tell you that with me running a PCT without hcg was not successful. 2 Feelings: Didn't feel any different here. Especially as Ostarine users often retain all of their gains post-cycle, with testosterone levels commonly returning within several weeks (even without a PCT). In most cases, these PCTs take shape as 1. Acts as LH and FSH; Raises Testosterone quickly ; If you don’t use TRT and want to keep things natural, a well-designed PCT is essential. Heavygripper EQuisite Form. Beyond hcg, another option can be Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as this will greatly protect your gains made hCG should never be used independently, as the pituitary gland will slow or cease output of LH while hCG is being used. 2 years. However, it’s essential to tailor the protocol My first PCT happened after a ~23 week test e cycle, used HCG the entire time at 1000iu/wk. Used 20mg nolva for 6 weeks, it was a breeze (HCG definitely helped, big time). PCT drugs are generally a little harsh on the body. feel free to share any PCT experience that Nolva and Clomid essentially kick-start the HPTA into normal function, while HCG blocks it. HCG: 1000 – 2000 IU Every Day for the first 4 – 5 days. Beyond hcg, another option can be Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as this will greatly protect your gains made -you don't run pct, only if you ran hcg on cycle 500 I. i agree about no HCG during PCT about to gift myself gear for my upcoming birthday 😂 i am a male, currently bulking at 75kg, 5'8 with 16-18% bf. I noticed a huge difference in size after only a couple shots of 1000iu. HCG monotherapy is the use of HCG alone in an attempt to increase natural testosterone levels without using exogenous testosterone (from outside the body). bringing about a leaner and tighter physique without the associated risks of That’s the risk if you use Aromasin as the sole PCT compound. imo, feeling emotional and shitty during PCT mainly comes from the side effects of SERMs rather than T levels being low. Studies we have read have seen results from even 600mcg used in a three-day period, and still hpta – hypothalamic However, for patients between 30-50 years old and even their late 20s who want to restore and improve low rates of natural testosterone production while staying fertile, it would be wise to consider low doses of hCG monotherapy (i. Push the needle in gently and slowly release the plunger, waiting at least 10 seconds Objectives: To compare serum testosterone response and symptom improvement in men with hypogonadism in response to treatment with clomiphene citrate (CC), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or a combination of both therapies. Strength gains will be exceptional when taking this potent duo. it's been months. For my PCT I A PCT plan is intended to kickstart your HPTA. May have had a slight We're you taking HCG during what is effectively a year long cycle? Your leydig cells are likely extremely suppressed (some degree of which could be irreversible). I won't have any hCG on hand (hard to find and very expensive in Australia) unfortunately, without a baseline test it's really hard to troubleshoot suppression. It’s also not considered as potent enough to stimulate testosterone production as the very popular PCT SERMs are. I'd start with HCG and HMG blasts while still on, then take a fairly aggressive approach to PCT. Everything, exactly everything you are describing happened to me back in august when i tried to pct cold turkey with just clomid, without hcg. This Where some guys take two rounds of pct without HCG. And I concur. Atrophy started to occur 3 months later. However, some researchers have begun investigating whether hCG could help raise low testosterone For this purpose, an HCG dose of 250iu every 4-5 days is not only standard but as far as most will want to take it. And other guys can cycle multiple times and bounce back just fine. However, these drugs can have serious side effects, including liver damage, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems. He wanted to see how I responded to T Cypionate alone first. All subjects noticed a return to pretreated androgen levels by the end of the 45 day treatment with these drugs, which is significantly shorter time frame than the recovery window noticed with testosterone enanthate without PCT. It helps to regulate hormone levels and restore the body's natural balance. Utilizing hcg and hmg for PCT purposes can help normalize blood levels of critical hormones, restore testicular function, and decrease the impacts The hormone is responsible for stopping your period and thickening your uterine lining in preparation for your embryo. Dosages in a PCT just so i know what i'm about to go up against, what exactly happens during (proper) pct (without hcg). That is why I keep an up-to date list of top sites to buy PCT products from. That’s why an aromatase inhibitor and HCG are usually combined with Nolvadex during post-cycle therapy to cover all bases. My ballz went from ~10ml Objectives: To compare serum testosterone response and symptom improvement in men with hypogonadism in response to treatment with clomiphene citrate (CC), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or a combination of both therapies. After filing, there is a 30- or 31-month time limit for entering the national phase in individual countries, depending on I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother. I probably won’t even need AI without hCG. Anyone used 19 nor compounds in cycle without HCG ? Is clomid/nolva PCT after 19 nor cycle sufficient for 20s young male with natural optimal hormonal system ? (excluding MENT) are suppressive for up to 18 months post cessation, even with HCG and a strong PCT. I only ran HCG once and it was during my first cycle and for PCT. I willbe doing proper PCT, and I'm using HCG on cycle (but I'm also using a "rip blend" which contains trenbolone) I recon you can get away with anything for 3 weeks, then you notice I want you to keep in mind PCT is not guaranteed, the 70’s and much of the 80’s guys didn’t bother with it. Without it, you risk prolonged low testosterone Given these hCG/hMG dosages and the schedule I ran all the way through my BnC time, I have observed very mild testicular shrinkage, hardly noticeable though I had a failed PCT which took longer than usual before I jumped on this BnC train, and I did observe atrophy which reversed after extended PCT with Clomid at 25mg daily when the initial PCT HCG: There are multiple ways to use HCG. Express pct for sure, currently using HCG from them and have some enclomiphene for pct to try and see if it's the real deal Reply reply [deleted] I second @Nelson Vergel. Dosage Instructions. Without proper PCT, you risk damaging your health with long-term side effects like hormonal imbalance, muscle loss, and mood swings. 3 or more times weekly causes suppresion or insensitivity of Luetinizing hormone (lh - leutenizing hormone - ) and to some degree Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - ). Then get blood-work done, assess and act accordingly. The liquid used to reconstitute lyophilized HCG is bacteriostatic water, which should come with your Absence of an embryo with heart beat 2 weeks or more after a scan that showed a gestational sac without a yolk sac 65% will be nonviable , and 33% will be ectopic. By taking these measures, users can help increase their natural testosterone levels without the use of synthetic hormones. H. However, reassuringly a primary hypogonadism rarely signifies complete testicular failure 17. Two, a well-designed PCT is also needed to control estrogenic side effects. If you have been using steroids, it’s advisable to wait for a week before starting PCT. Patients and methods: A total of 282 men with hypogonadism, wishing to preserve their fertility, were randomized to one of three In the grand scheme of things on cycle hCG use is simply does not take first place in-terms of the best time to steroid. Espescially given that Anavar will probably reduce your SHBG by anywhere between 50 and 80%. HCG can be run either on cycle to prevent your balls from shrinking, or immediately before PCT to get the boys back in action faster. Even without the use of a pct, the natural production of LH will kick in fairly quickly but natural endogenous production of testosterone can take much longer as the critical aspect of the recovery process is the responsiveness of the Leydig cells in the testes to the LH. My question is considering that HCG is an LH analogue and that your hpta stops sending LH signals to your balls. HCG is an injectable PCT. Stopped HCG with the beginning of week 3 and started Tamoxifen 10mg/day. My ballz went from ~10ml HCG & PCT Post Cycle Therapy actually starts from the beginning of the cycle To ensure recovery during PCT, HCG is used to keep the leydig cel Skip to content. but it certainly doesnt hurt to be tested. The notion that you should only inject hcg for fertility is flawed imo. I'm running anavar at 100mg a day for 6 weeks. With HCG, there will be almost no downtime -- and you will need a lower dosage of SERMs. sjfep qukgj dakq bextcjsx bgpwd bjg uzjvvzw nizuq xxtsdj flmkk