My perfect routine for dry, sensitive skin – The Central Trend


Collage of skin care products.

When I was younger, a common question I was asked by my peers was, “What’s that weird thing on your face?”

Inwardly, I was always deeply offended by this question, but considering the natural curiosity of children, no one ever said this with bad intent.

The “weird thing on my face” was just dry, flaky skin due to my eczema. Dry skin has been a battle for me my whole life. I remember my parents chasing me after a bath when I was younger to put lotion on me. I never wanted to apply the lotion because it stung. It was obviously in my best interest to be splashed with lotion, but my younger mind didn’t understand that, so after my parents won the lotion battle, I would secretly grab a towel and wipe it off to ease the sting I felt.

Having dry skin is incredibly uncomfortable, so as I’ve gotten older I’ve started taking more precautions and taking better care of my skin in general. I’ve pretty much perfected my dry skin care routine over the years, and here’s my process.

MIcellar cleansing water:

First, I use a micellar cleansing water that can be used on all skin types. The formula is basically just water and oil and it works great for removing my mascara. Your eye area is the thinnest and most sensitive skin on your body, so a simple formula like micellar water works perfectly for me. My eyelids tend to get very dry, so using this gentle formula to remove my mascara before I go to bed is perfect.

CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser:

I use CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser morning and night. The formula is very gentle, the more harsh products tend to aggravate my eczema. This cleanser is certified by the National Eczema Association, which ensures that it is a good product for sensitive skin. In the morning it refreshes my skin and in the evening it helps to remove the remaining makeup.

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream and Vanicream Moisturizing skin cream:

The next step in my routine consists of using the Cetaphil Hydrating Cream all over my body and then the Vanicream Hydrating Cream on my face and neck. The areas where I get the most eczema are my face and neck, so I use Vanicream on those areas as the formula is extra moisturizing. I only apply Cetaphil to my body at night, but I use Vanicream both morning and night.


I only use this cream occasionally as it is a topical steroid. Some precautions should be taken when using this cstrap, as if used for extended periods, it can lead to thinning of the skin. When I’m in the midst of an eczema episode, I use this cream, but I can only use it for two weeks and then do a one-week detox to make sure none of the negative effects of the topical steroid occur. I only apply the cream to areas that are very dry and red.


The last step in my routine is Aquaphor. I use this as a barrier for all the other products I put on my face so nothing rubs off. This thing seriously saved my skin. The formula is really greasy so I only use it at night and when I wake up in the morning my skin always feels very hydrated and smooth. In winter, when my lips are extremely dry, this product helps to rehydrate them as well. Aquaphor is my favorite product in my routine because it works so well and I can always count on it to work.

These products have transformed my skin from dry, red and flaky to hydrated and smooth. Since I started really taking care of my skin, the question “What’s weird about your face?” is no longer asked.

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