Dark chocolate and champagne may improve heart health

Dark chocolate and champagne may improve heart health

Here’s news you’ll love this Valentine’s Day: A leading health expert says the dark chocolates and candies you bought your loved one can also improve their heart health.

There’s some surprisingly good news for anyone planning a romantic Valentine’s Day treat. Chocolate and champagne aren’t necessarily bad for you. In fact, the treats you just bought may be just what their hearts need to stay healthy.

Dr Avinash Hari Narayanan (MBChB), clinical lead at the London Medical Laboratory, said: “The good news for Valentine’s Day is that chocolate and fizz, in moderation, can improve our heart health.

“Dark chocolate, made from cocoa beans, contains natural, beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while producing nitric oxide in the blood, helping to relax blood vessels and thus reduce blood pressure. Eating chocolate at least once a week is associated with an 8% reduced risk of heart disease, according to research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Chocolate has also been found to contain heart-healthy nutrients that can reduce inflammation and improve the amount of good cholesterol in the body.

“A fascinating review of studies in the British Medical Journal, which included over 114,000 participants, found that those who ate higher levels of chocolate were 37% less likely to have coronary heart disease than people , who eat the least amount of chocolate. Higher levels of chocolate consumption were also associated with a 31% reduction in diabetes and a 29% reduction in strokes.

“So chocolates can really be good for our hearts in some way, which is very appropriate for Valentine’s Day.” But what about champagne? Could a bottle of soda also be good for our heart health?

“Research from the University of Reading, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, suggests that two glasses of champagne a day may be good for the heart and circulation. Researchers found that drinking champagne daily in moderation led to improvements in blood vessel function.

“Again, this is due to our old friends, polyphenols. These plant chemicals are also found in the red grapes and white grapes used in champagne production. When we drink champagne, these polyphenols are absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can act on the vascular system. Specifically, they appear to slow down the natural removal of nitric oxide from our blood, which ultimately improves vascular tone and circulation.

“The high levels of nitric oxide in the blood, as a result of drinking champagne, may have additional beneficial effects, as they may help reduce both blood pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries). This can reduce the risks of heart disease and stroke.

“In fact, an analysis of 16 studies involving almost 290,000 healthy adults published in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease confirmed the significant reduction in vascular risk associated with wine consumption. And for the less romantic, the analysis also found that beer has a similar effect. Light-moderate consumption of wine and beer showed a maximum protection of 33% at 25 g of alcohol per day.

“The same report reveals that moderate alcohol consumption has a number of other health benefits. Perhaps most interestingly, moderate alcohol consumption in healthy adults and cardiovascular patients protects against “total mortality.” In other words, the risk of death from any cause is reduced for moderate drinkers of alcohol (including wine) compared to abstainers or heavy drinkers. The exact cause and effect is up for interpretation, but moderate amounts of alcohol can potentially protect our health.

“Of course, there’s always a catch. Foods high in sugar and fat are the leading cause of obesity, which is a contributing factor in many conditions. These range from high blood pressure and diabetes to kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, coronary heart disease and stroke.

“Similarly, the key word when talking about the consumption of champagne or other alcohol is ‘moderation.’ Consumption must be weighed against the adverse effects associated with long-term alcohol abuse. Any health benefits associated with champagne are completely reversed by consuming too much. It is wise to stay within the recommended limits. Long-term drinking can lead to heart disease, liver disease and an increased risk of cancer.

“This Valentine’s Day, it might be a good idea to show yourself some love. The Heart Health Profile blood test will show you how well your heart is functioning. The London Medical Laboratory’s simple finger prick blood test shows heart health risks and includes a full cholesterol profile as well as an inflammation test. It also tests for diabetes, showing how well the body is controlling blood sugar.

“The Heart Health Profile test can be taken at home by post or at one of the many clinics that offer these tests in London and across the country at over 120 selected pharmacies and health shops


London Medical Laboratory

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