Slimming down for spring?  How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You

Slimming down for spring? How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You

Approximate reading time: 7-8 minutes

As a nation, it cannot be denied that Americans are getting sicker and fatter. And according to longtime nutrition executive and co-founder of a new science-based health and wellness company, Joel Beekman, it might not be your fault.

Since the US government first established dietary guidelines in 1977, the food industry has completely changed the types of food it produces, mostly to our collective detriment. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the weight of the average American adult has skyrocketed since then—a weight gain of nearly 30 pounds.

“For the first time in history, we had a government telling us what to eat,” Beekman said. “And our weight and health only suffered because of it.”

The Problem with the Standard American Diet (SAD)

For a number of reasons, the government has been looking for a way to “fix” the diet for some time. With the support of a dubious study, they determined that dietary fat was the culprit and later introduced the infamous “food pyramid” which denigrated natural healthy fats in favor of increasing the consumption of refined unhealthy carbohydrates. The nation’s health and weight results could not be worse.

“Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the most essential for the average adult and the most problematic for those struggling with metabolic issues,” Beekman said. “The health and weight challenges we see today are largely due to this misguided change in diet.”

Slimming down for spring?  How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You
Photo: Elena Schweitzer/

The “fat” secret.

In fact, Beekman says that increasing your consumption of healthy fats may be the single most important change you can make supporting metabolic health, brain health, and more.

“Our ancestors knew that fat was the most nutrient-dense substance they could eat,” Beekman said. “Natural fats provide the nutrition your brain and body need, they help you feel satisfied, curb your cravings for sweets, and even help train your body to burn excess body fat.”

Beekman emphasizes that not all fats are created equal. Processed soybean, corn, and canola seed oils are particularly harmful, while fats from olives, coconuts, cocoa butter, ghee, and others are extremely beneficial.

“It’s important to get a wide range of healthy fats from short-, medium-, and long-chain sources,” Bickman said. “It’s not about taking one dose of MCT oil or a large portion of oil and calling it a day.”

The power of protein

Bickman is also surprised by the protein confusion. Some people advocate very little, others consume it in excess, while others simply make poor protein choices.

“You have competing attitudes about proteins with very little legitimate science behind the arguments,” he said. “We’ve learned that protein is essential, especially as we age, but it should be consumed along with fat, just as it occurs in nature.”

The best types of protein, according to Bickman, are whey, egg whites and collagen. He emphasizes that they have the highest biological value, offer the most complete profile of essential amino acids and support clean and toned muscles, healthy joints, cartilage and bones.

“People with dairy allergies or those who prefer a plant-based diet have historically been at a real nutritional disadvantage,” Bickman said. “Plant proteins have anti-nutrients that prevent absorption, but there is hope in specially fermented protein sources that are as bioavailable as whey protein and provide a complete amino acid profile.”

Slimming down for spring?  How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You
Photo: Zhukov studio/

The main incentive to your diet

Even with all the information Beekman and others are sharing, people around the world are constantly asking what they should do about their health.

“Ideally, we will all have the knowledge, time, discipline and budget to plan, buy and cook perfect meals,” Beekman said. “But it just doesn’t happen; people are busy, stressed, and making unhealthy choices that derail their health goals.”

It became clear to Bickman that he and his team could be part of the solution to helping people achieve their best health faster, and especially helping those who don’t always have the time, knowledge or discipline to eat healthy. In response, Bickman and his co-founding team of metabolic, nutritional and industry experts created the HLTH Code Complete Meal.

Slimming down for spring?  How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You
Photo: HLTH Code

Beekman says these carefully formulated nutritional shakes are designed to promote healthy weight management, gut health, brain health, even hair, skin and nail health. HLTH Code Complete Meal features an optimized, science-based blend of protein, collagen, healthy fats, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, fiber, vitamins and minerals – with no added sugar or artificial ingredients of any kind.

“The HLTH Code Complete Meal is based on research, not whim,” said Beekman. “An incredible amount of work went into making this nutritionally balanced and optimized, but we knew that if it didn’t taste good, no one would use it consistently.”

Keeping your hunger at bay (the right way)

When it comes to eating, Beekman said it’s easy to eat a lot of calories and still feel hungry. This is because the calories consumed are not the right types of calories to provide essential nutrition. He calls this “malnutrition” and says it ruins the health of many people.

“Each HLTH Code Complete Meal shake is packed with optimized amounts of these ingredients to leave you feeling full and energized for hours,” said Beekman. “Yet it’s more convenient and affordable than almost any meal you can make or buy.”

Bickman says the shakes are quick and easy to make: Just add two scoops of creamy vanilla or chocolate macadamia nutriment powder to an 8 oz. cold water and shake or blend. For overall health, he recommends replacing one meal a day. To restore health or lose weight, replace up to two meals a day.

“[I’ve] I’ve been using HLTH Code for about 2 weeks now and I feel healthier, have more energy and less appetite – love this product!!!” said one reviewer.

Another reviewer shared, “I started losing weight fast because I found that I no longer snack between meals, I no longer ‘crave’ carbs, and I automatically do intermittent fasting, not on purpose, but because I just don’t get hungry. “

And another reviewer shared, “The results were phenomenal! Thank you, HLTH Code. The shakes are delicious, but the weight loss results are miraculous.”

Can the HLTH code help you lose weight more easily?

According to Beekman, optimal health begins with the right combination of nutrients. Increased energy; feeling more alive; stronger immune system; a clearer mind; improved gut health; and improved appearance are some of the benefits of improving nutrition.

“The comprehensive benefits of HLTH Code Complete Meal are especially helpful if you’re trying to lose weight,” said Beekman. “Weight loss is rarely easy. There has to be the right changes in both hormones and caloric balance to signal to the body that it’s time to start burning, not storing, fat.”

Beekman adds that based on the best available research on human metabolism, along with exercise, the HLTH Code Complete Meal helps people lose weight without having to count every calorie.

Slimming down for spring?  How the Standard Utah Diet Failed You

Your satisfaction is guaranteed

If you’re worried about trying something new and making changes to your eating plan, don’t be. Bikman stands behind its HLTH Code Meal Replacement products and is ready to guarantee your satisfaction.

“You have nothing to lose (besides extra pounds) and everything to gain — health-wise and confidence-wise,” Beekman said.

Indeed, if you have been looking for improved health and healthy weight management, then HLTH Code Complete Meal could be your answer. For exceptional savings on your first order, visit and enter discount code KSL at checkout.

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