Travel Insurance –

Travel Insurance –

If you plan to travel outside of Canada—even for a day in the United States—you should buy travel health insurance before you go.

If you’re traveling by air, make sure you have travel interruption, lost baggage and document replacement insurance. If you’re driving, make sure you have a driver and a vehicle in case you’re in an accident.

Why you should buy travel health insurance

  • Your Canadian health insurance may not pay your medical bills while you are outside of Canada
  • Your provincial or territorial health plan may not cover any or only a small portion of the cost of your medical care abroad. It will never pay your bills in advance
  • Foreign hospitals can be very expensive and may require immediate cash payment
  • In some countries, hospitals and clinics won’t treat you if you don’t have enough insurance or money to pay your bills
  • The Government of Canada will not pay your medical bills

Where you can get travel insurance

You can buy travel insurance through:

  • Travel agent
  • insurance broker
  • employer insurance provider
  • credit card company

What your travel health insurance should cover

No matter where you travel, your travel health insurance policy should always cover the following 3 things:

1. Medical evacuation

Make sure your policy covers medical evacuation to Canada or to the nearest place with adequate medical care. The policy must also cover the cost of a medical companion to travel with you to your final destination.

2. Preexisting medical conditions

Ask the company to explain the definition and limitations of any pre-existing conditions and tests and treatments you may have had.

  • Make sure you get written agreement that your insurance covers your pre-existing medical condition, or you may find your claim “invalid” under a pre-existing condition clause.
  • The agreement should also include a stability clause which states that if you need to be covered for any pre-existing medical conditions for a certain period of time (stability period):
    • you must not have any changes in your medical condition
    • you must have no new medical conditions, symptoms or medications during the stability period before your trip.
  • The agreement should include:
    • a compassion clause which says that an inaccurate statement may not invalidate the entire policy, and
    • health change clause.

3. Repatriation in case of death

Make sure your plan includes everything you need to help your loved ones if you die outside Canada as a result of an accident or sudden and unexpected illness. Make sure your insurance covers:

  • The preparation and return of your remains
  • Local cremation or burial outside of Canada
  • Reasonable additional cost if someone needs to travel to identify your body

For more information see our Death Abroad page.

Choose the best insurance according to your needs

Carefully research your needs. Check the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions and requirements of your insurance policy before you leave Canada.

When evaluating a travel health insurance plan, there are many questions you should ask.

  • Is there a deductible and how much is it? Plans with 100% coverage are more expensive, but can save money in the long run.
  • Does the plan offer continuous coverage for the duration of your stay outside of Canada and after you return?
  • Does the plan exclude or severely limit coverage for certain regions or countries you may visit?
  • Does it offer coverage that can be renewed from abroad and for the maximum length of stay?
  • Does the company have an internal, worldwide, 24/7 emergency contact number in English and/or translation services for healthcare providers in your country of destination?
  • Does it pay for hospitalization for illness or injury and related medical expenses at your destination?
  • Does it pay your bills or cash advances so you don’t have to pay them?

Comply with the terms of your policy

It is your responsibility to know and understand the terms of your insurance policy. Read the fine print carefully and ask for help if you need it.

The information you provide must be accurate and complete. If you have questions, contact the insurance company. Ask them to send you a written explanation.

Carry your insurance information with you when you travel and leave a copy with a friend or relative at home.

Understand the potential exclusions

Get approval from your insurer before you undergo medical treatment. Travel health insurance rarely covers routine health check-ups, non-emergency care and cosmetic surgery. It may not cover mental disorders, drug or alcohol related accidents or extreme sports such as bungee jumping and rock climbing.

If you need to make a claim

Get a detailed report and invoice from your doctor or hospital before you leave the country where you received medical treatment. Trying to get the correct documentation from thousands of kilometers can be frustrating. Always present original receipts for medical services or prescriptions received abroad. Keep a copy of the documents for your files.

Check for travel tips

Double-check travel tips and advice for your destination: once when you’re planning your trip and again just before you leave.

Your insurance company may not pay your medical benefits if the Government of Canada has issued a travel warning for your destination.

If you live or work outside of Canada

Travel insurance is not intended for use when you are living for an extended period or permanently outside of Canada. If you live abroad or plan to move to another country, you should carefully consider your insurance needs. Local law may require you to have medical insurance and you may need to include proof of medical insurance with your visa application.

If you are studying outside of Canada

If you are studying outside of Canada or plan to go to another country to study, contact your educational institution or program administrator for advice on the coverage you need.

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