Why Dopamine Travel is the wellness travel trend to watch this summer

Why Dopamine Travel is the wellness travel trend to watch this summer

Stress is something most of us can all relate to, with 91 percent of adults reporting high or extreme levels of stress in 2023.

Taking extra steps to look after our wellbeing is therefore increasingly important, with this in mind the wellness tourism sector has been identified as the fastest growing and it is clear that we are turning to our holidays to release stress and unwind from the day-to-day life.

When you think of a ‘wellness retreat’, some of the activities that might spring to mind might be yoga or meditation – but there’s a new type of wellness trend that’s growing fast, that is. DopamineTravel.

To explore the trend, AttractionTickets.com spoke with psychologist Dr. Joe Gee (Ph.D.) to reveal why we’ll all be hitting the theme parks and tracks in search of wellness this year.

What is Dopamine Travel?

Dr Joe Gee explained: “The change of scenery and adventurous nature of active recreation can lead to a pervasive shift in the dominant neurotransmitters in our brain, triggering the release of dopamine, as well as serotonin and adrenaline. This is the effect of some holidays that have invented a new one travel trend – DopamineTravel.

“We often see that a complete distraction from the everyday through holidays that promote meaning or growth has been shown to increase feelings of well-being, as well as increase productivity and general activity levels.” The effects of these positive benefits have been reported to last up to eight weeks after the holiday. This is especially true for outdoor trips such as mountaineering or skiing, where a sense of achievement can lead to a long-lasting boost in self-esteem and confidence.”

Just as the ‘dopamine bandage’ trend encourages clothing in bright, bold colors, our environment can also play a vital role.

Oliver Brendan, CEO of AttractionTickets.com added: “The dopamine travel trend is centered around immersing yourself in vibrant landscapes, which is why brightly colored theme parks like Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort are such popular destinations. Plus, you’re in for a big dose of dopamine as you ride popular coasters like Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster at Disney’s Hollywood Studios or Jurassic World VelociCoaster at Universal Islands of Adventure.

“For more mindful moments, being surrounded by nature can create a sense of adventure and escapism, unlike traditional wellness retreats. Consider opting for experiences like swimming with marine life or the peaceful lazy river at Discovery Cove.”

How long should a vacation be?

Dr Jo Gee said: “We often see that the wellbeing impact of a holiday peaks on day eight. With this in mind, we recommend that holidays be a minimum of eight days to ensure we get the maximum benefit.’

But not only the holiday can give us a boost. Dr. Joe explains the importance of travel planning this way: “The anticipation before a vacation can also help boost feelings of joy and happiness, and can actually reap more benefits in brain activity than the adventure vacation itself, so be sure to plan your holidays in advance.”

If you’re ready for a dopamine hit with your vacation this summer, there are options for all ages at AttractionTickets.com, including Discovery Cove, Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort.

Post-holiday recovery

If you feel like you need a vacation to recover from your vacation, you should consider trying the TIPP method as Dr. Joe explains this must-try technique.

What is TIPP?

Dr. Joe explained: “We can induce our relaxation response through relaxation techniques such as the TIPP skill, which stands for temperature change through cold water immersion, vigorous exercise, progressive muscle relaxation and paced breathing.

How to use the TIPP method to relax before a trip:

Dr. Joe Gee said, “Relaxing activities should begin a few days before the vacation, as it takes at least 48 hours to calm your nervous system and begin to reduce cortisol production.”

“By methodically tensing and relaxing our muscles while slowing our breathing, we can turn off our body’s fight-flight response. For a faster result, we can add a burst of vigorous exercise or a 30-60 second dip in cold water, both of which release vital stress-regulating chemicals.

While you may not have planned a traditional “wellness retreat,” Dr. Joe G (Ph.D.) explains why visiting theme parks and slopes could be your answer to rest, relaxation and wellness this year. To explore the trend, AttractionTickets.com spoke with Psychologist, Dr. Joe Gee (Ph.D.) to reveal why we’ll all be hitting the theme parks and tracks in search of wellness this year.

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